Репертуар театра в Кызылорде
97 интересовались событиями этого объекта за последний час.

Kazakh National Drama Theater named after M.Auezov

Продажи на репертуар театра скоро откроются.

Theater repertoire

Address: Almaty, Abai Ave, 103.

Metro: Auezov Theatre station.

Distance from the station: 310 meters.

Reception: 378-54-00.

Email: [email protected].

Entrance: from Abai Avenue.

Parking: along Abai Avenue, in front of the theater.

Canteen: in place.

To visit the Auezov Theatre means to arrange a meeting with true art. The Auezov Theatre in Almaty is famous not only for its cast and filigree director's work but also for its carefully selected repertoire.


By using the Ticketon online service, the poster and schedule of the Kazakh Drama Theatre named after Auezov are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in real-time. On the site, you can find out the address of the institution and buy tickets for your favorite performance.