Symphonic Music Concert
Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Please note that the age limit is 10+
Management reserves the right to substitute performers and works performed
On the eve of the Day of Spiritual Harmony (18 October), which has been traditionally celebrated in our country for more than thirty years (since its establishment in 1992), a concert dedicated to this event will take place on the stage of the Astana Opera House.
The Day of Spiritual Harmony, as a symbol of unity, proclaiming the primacy of spirituality over all other aspects of human life, is intended to remind us of the importance of respect, understanding, and cooperation between different cultures and religions. Peace, tranquility, unity, and understanding among peoples remain an unshakable ideal in our country during such a turbulent time.
The concert, titled “The Word on Spiritual Harmony,” will feature the founder of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, public figure and composer Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov, prominent figures from national religious communities, as well as soloists from the Astana Opera House and the Symphony Orchestra of the State Academic Philharmonic named after Ye. Rakhmadiyev of the Astana Akimat.
N.Rimsky-Korsakov. Symphonic Suite Scheherazade
T. Mukhamedzhanov. Tugan Zher
T. Mukhamedzhanov. Adagio
G. Caccini. Ave Maria
G. Bizet. Symphony No. 1 in C major (excerpt)
Symphony Orchestra of the State Academic Philharmonic named after Ye. Rakhmadiyev of the Astana Akimat
Leila Alamanova (soprano)
Saltanat Orynbaeva (violin)
Aiymgul Bekbayeva, Madeniyet Salasynyn Uzdigi (dombyra)
Botagoz Tashimova, Madeniyet Salasynyn Uzdigi (kobyz)
Artistic Director and Conductor: Abzal Mukhitdin, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan
Tickets purchased at the State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Astana Opera” are subject to exchange and refund only in cases of cancellation or postponement of performances. In all other cases, no refunds or exchanges will be made.
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