New Year's tale «Santa Claus on vacation»

Venue: Uralsk, 5th microdistrict, 12/2, Art Center Atameken

Date: December 23, 24, 2023

Time: 14:00, 17:00

Program: Children's Musical performance - duration of the first act 35/40 minutes (interactive with children +/- 5 minutes) 

- intermission 15-20 minutes (minimum)

- the duration of the second act is 35/40 minutes (depending on the interactive)

Age limit: 0+. Children under 3 years of age, accompanied by their parents, attend the performance free of charge, without being provided with a separate seat

Duration: 1 hour 20 min

Additionally: Attention! Gifts according to the purchased tickets can be received at the pick-up points after the end of the performance.