The Call of the Steppe

Venue: Astana, Astana Opera
Date: March 26-27 , 2024
Time: 19:00
Duration: 100 minutes
Age limit: 10+
Additionally: The Management reserves the right to replace performers and performed works.

The Call of the Steppe

Ballet in 2 acts

Literary and artistic libretto – Bakhyt Kairbekov

Choreographic adaptation of the libretto – Jean-François Vazelle

The ballet The Call of the Steppe staged by the renowned choreographer Patrick de Bana will take place on the stage of the Astana Opera House.

This is a parable about the inspiring dream of a brave Master, told in the language of modern choreography.

The director's goal is not to tell a story, but to show fragments around which the viewer can build their own plot. And then the legend of the Bird Samruk becomes a poetic allegory that allows tracing hero's path of life. And to give a universal character to this poetic allegory, the choreographer turns to generalized images of the Shaman, Father, Mother, Son...

The choreographer shows us the path of initiation, in which a child, passing hardships, becomes a man and the man becomes a Master – under the benevolent gaze of destiny.

The ballet features works by Kuat Shildebayev, Renat Gaisin, Tolegen Mombekov, Carlos Pino-Quintana, as well as musical compositions from the repertoire of the folklore and ethnographic ensembles “Turan”, “Hassak” and the ethno-jazz group “Steppe Sons”.


Muse –                   Aigerim BEKETAYEVA, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan /

                                      Anastasia ZAKLINSKAYA

Mother –                Adelina TULEPOVA / Assel SHAIKENOVA

Father –                  Zhanibek AKHMEDIYEV / Zhanibek IMANKULOV

Son –                      Galymzhan NURMUKHAMET / Bekzat ORYNBAYEV

Shaman –               Sultanbek GUMAR / Serik NAKYSPEKOV

Man in black  –           Dias KURMANGAZY / Islam KAIPBAY

The Horse –            Islam KAIPBAY / Daniyar ZHUMATAYEV

The Eagle –            Bostan KOZHABEKOV / Nima TOKOV

The Wolf –             Beibarys AKARYS / Ruslan KANAGAT


Artistic Director of the Ballet Company –

Altynai ASYLMURATOVA, People's Artist of Russia

Stage Managers: Altynganym AKHMETOVA, Ainur KHALELOVA

The performance is accompanied by an audio recording

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