The mystery of the circus curtain in Fort Verniy!

Our Christmas tree has turned into a circus entertainment place where buffoons, acrobats, magicians, jugglers and gymnasts create an incredible spectacle, but beware, there is intrigue behind every screen!
When the lights go out and the curtain goes down, Mr. Mysterio, the head teacher of the circus, is suspiciously fussing behind the scenes. What is he hiding? Why is a secret admirer so interested in this secret? Do you have the courage and ingenuity to open the curtain and reveal all the secrets?
11.30 - Hostess full-length dolls
12.00 - 13.00 - New Year's program
13.00 - 13.15 - Photo session with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
13.15 - 13.30 - Dog show