Spartacus (AstanaOpera)
Aram Khachaturian
Ballet in 3 acts, 12 scenes, 9 monologues
Libretto by Yury Grigorovich
based on motifs from the novel by Raffaello Giovagnoli
and on events from ancient history, with the use of Nikolai Volkov’s scenario
The premiere took place at the Bolshoi Theatre on 9 April 1968 (Moscow)
Premiere at the Astana Opera House: 6 June 2014
In December 1941, during the most tragic days of the Great Patriotic War, a distinguished Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian started creating ballet “Spartacus”. According to the composer, the heroic image of Spartacus and the idea of the rebellion of the slaves in the ancient Rome had a great meaning: “It is important that people know and remember the names of those who at the dawn of human history rose boldly to struggle for freedom and independence.
The monumental ballet “Spartacus” is truly a poem about the struggle with invasion and oppressive forces, about tragic irreversibility of evil and the immortality of the heroic deed.
The premiere of “Spartacus” was held at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Kirov (Mariinsky) on December 27, 1956 in the production of one of the most outstanding choreographers of the soviet times Leonid Yakobson.
In 1968 in Moscow at the Bolshoi Theatre a new production of “Spartacus” was made by a master of the soviet ballet, Yury Grigorovich. It differed from the Yakobson’s production in deeper psychologism and tragic tension. Impeccable and outstanding was the work of the set and costumes designer Simon Virsaladze. Ballet “Spartacus” is an example of the highest synthesis of music, choreography and painting.
In the music of “Spartacus”, one of the best Khachaturian’s works embodied the most striking features of his oeuvre: catchy and memorable images, splendid and brilliant crowd scenes, original melodies, in which European traits are harmoniously combined with oriental intonations.
For many decades the immortal ballet “Spartacus” has been a jewel of the repertoire of many world theatres.
Choreographer: Yury Grigorovich, People’s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the State Prizes
Set and Costume Designer: Simon Virsaladze, People’s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the State Prizes
Conductor: Abzal Mukhitdin, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan
Production Coordinator and Assistant Choreographer: Ruslan Pronin, Honoured artist of Russia
Assistant Choreographer: Oksana Tsvetnitskaya
Revival Designer: Mikhail Sapozhnikov
Revival Costume Designers: Lyudmila Ius / Elena Netsvetaeva-Dolgaleva
Lighting Designer: Alexey Perevalov
Chief Choirmaster: Yerzhan Dautov, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan
Technical Project Manager: Victor Carare
Artistic Director of the Ballet Company of the Astana Opera House: Altynai Asylmuratova, People’s Artist of Russia
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