«Шам Әуен» концерт классической музыки при свечах в Алматы

«Шам Әуен» концерт классической музыки при свечах в Алматы

Venue: Almaty, Chamber Hall of the Philharmonic named after Zhambyl

Date: March 11, 2023

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Parking: No

Age limit: 7+

Additionally: In one of the most beautiful and romantic places of the southern capital there will be a concert of classical music by candlelight – "Sham Auen".



Professional musicians touring all over the world, in an ensemble with a thousand bright lights, will give connoisseurs of high culture – or rather, you, an extraordinary sound and aesthetics of ageless classics.

The repertoire will feature works by composers: Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Brahms, Piazzolla, as well as Kazakh folk songs in an exclusive treatment specially for our string quartet.