97 people viewed this place's events in the past hour.

Address: Astana, Koshkarbayev str. No. 2, Highvill residential complex, bl. C2.

Contacts: 8 (701) 984-44-98, 8 (778) 711-45-48

Bus stop: Highville residential complex.

Distance: 600 meters.

Entrance: from Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev Avenue.

Parking: ground parking in front of the business center for 20 seats. Free. Check-in from Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev Avenue.

Buffet: coffee shop.

Do you want to learn how to dance a hot bachata or master the contemporary dance style? Then the dance center «Dream Way» is what you need! Here you can choose any of the 15 suggested directions and learn to dance at a professional level. In addition, «Dream Way» in Astana often hosts various master classes and competitions. You will find information about them on our website.