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The Orda

The Orda



The Orda Group is one of the flagships of Kazakhstan's show business.

Creative Way

The founders of the band, brothers Bedelhan, and Orazbekov performed in a dance show. However, the craving for vocals and writing music took its place and the band became musical. Popularity did not come at once. The guys had to work hard to get to the radio and television stations.

The first performance was on May 9th. It is noteworthy that all the dancing numbers were created by the band members themselves. But the most significant was the Horde's concert of 2009, where their best hits were performed. The Central State TV Channel "Kazakhstan" broadcasted it on its air.

The same year the song "Kili Zaman" was recorded. It won the status of "platinum" and was on the 1st place in the rotation of "Europe Plus KZ" radio for 50 weeks. The year 2009 was an absolute triumph for the band.

And in 2011 the feature film "Forbidden Dances" was made about the "Horde". It showed the soloists in such a way that no one has seen them. They themselves produced the picture and released it in January 2013.

Currently, participants are working on new material and in their personal solo projects.

Interesting facts

  1. The name of the future team was invented on April 1.
  2. The video clips released in 2003-2004 literally soared to the top of the national charts and lasted more than 15 weeks.