Русский драматический театр в Костанае
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Mangistau Regional Museum of Regional History and Local Lore

Address: 9-microdistrict, 23A.

Contact number: 8 (7292) 42-71-96, 43-26-45, 43-23-14,8 (7292) 43–26–45, 8 (7292) 42–66–15.

Bus stop: Vechnyy Ogon’ station.

Distance from the station: 550 meters.

Entrance: from the side of Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue.

Parking: ground parking in front of the museum for 20 cars. It is free of charge. Entrance from the side of Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue.

The exposition of the Nature Department begins with acquaintance with geomorphology and geographical location of the Mangistau region. In the hall of geology colorful mini-dioramas, showcases, maps, diagrams tell about the geological pictures, minerals, paleontology of Mangistau.

For displaying the fauna and flora of the Caspian Sea there is a special hall, which by its uniqueness and diversity of exhibits has no analogs in Kazakhstan. In the nature halls, one can get rich information about fauna, especially avifauna of the region, flora and other natural objects. 

Besides, the museum reserves have a significant herbarium fund, typical for the Mangistau peninsula and plateau Ustyurt. The funds of the museum also contain paleontological collections handed over in the early years of mineral exploration in Mangistau, giving a geological picture of the past of our region.

The Archaeology Hall shows the history of human development in Mangistau from the Paleolithic (ancient stone age) to the 14th-15th centuries, based on historical artifacts. The newly opened hall has been replenished with new exhibits and historical facts, which are the results of scientific research and archeological expeditions of recent years.  These are Eneolytic settlements Koskudyk 1 and Koskudyk 2, cult and funeral complexes - Ulkenkudyk, Sakakudyk, medieval history - Altynkazgan complex, Kyzylkala settlement, and many others. The design and meaning of the hall fully meet the requirements of the modern world.     

The expositions of the history hall reflect the life and main occupations of the population of the region until the early 20th century. The original decorative and applied art of the Kazakhs of Mangistau, national handicraftsmen's works, a yurt with all its decoration and masterpieces of bone, wood and stone carving are presented. The exhibition shows part of the rich collection of national jewelry made of precious metals and stones, which is the pride of the museum.

The halls of modern history are dedicated to the most important historical events of the first half of the twentieth century, which directly affected our region. A re-exposition was held in these halls in 2008. The exposition decorated in the 90s of the XX century did not reflect many secret materials of that time. Thanks to the independence of the Republic it was possible to study many documents and design a new exposition. The past re-exposition of the hall "History of Mangistau of the 20th century" shows the development of history, economy and social sphere of the region at that period: the years of repressions and the Great Patriotic War are shown more deeply. 

In the hall dedicated to the oil industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, full information is given on the first geological expeditions, on the scientists of geologists, honored oil and gas workers, on industrial oil and gas fields in Mangishlak.

The hall dedicated to the creative work of the national writer A.Kekilbayev, a native of Mangistau, tells about the life path, creative achievements and social and political activity of the national writer, master of words with world fame. 

Formation of the new sovereign state, events which took place in the Mangistau region for the years of independence of the republic, prospects of development of the region are reflected in the photo materials of the hall "Modern Kazakhstan" opened in 2004.