Акмолинский областной русский драматический театр
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Independence Palace

Eurasian Kurultai 2024   курултай
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14.11.2024 09:00 Зал от 10 тг. Buy

Address: Astana, Tauelsyzdyk Avenue, 52.

Contact number: 8 7172 70 13 91, 8 (7172) 70–03–80.

Entrance: from the side of Kasym Amanzholov Street.

Parking: ground parking for 30 cars. Free of charge. Entry through the street Kasym Amanzholov.

Bicycle parking: Kasym Amanzholov Street, 24.

Источник фото: https://a-vm.kz/object/independence

In the architectural ensemble of the capital, the Palace of Independence occupies a special, honorable place. It embodies the union of centuries-old national traditions with modern trends. The idea of its creation belongs to the President and in 2008 the new building opened its doors for the first time.

The palace has the form of a trapeze, is decorated with glass and zigzag lattice, symbolizing the skeleton of the yurt - kerege. It is equipped with advanced technical equipment, which meets the required international standards.

The Palace consists of 3 floors with a total area of 40,000 square meters.

The first floor is occupied:

  • press center;
  • banquet and ceremonial halls;
  • a large congress hall.

Important events for the whole country are held here: inauguration of the President, summits, international conferences. The total capacity of the 1st floor is almost 4000 people.

The second floor is fully devoted to art. There are exhibition halls and galleries with different collections: from folk jewelry to compositions reproducing scenes from everyday life of previous generations.

The third floor.  It already tells the current history of Astana, its formation. Here you will find copies of documents testifying to the transfer of the capital, historically significant objects and a model room with the exhibition of Astana 2030.

Among other things, the Palace has a digital library and a 4D cinema where you can visually see the chronicle of the country's main city.

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Cultural life

The Palace of Independence is on the public's ears also because it often becomes the center of major and landmark events.

For example, it's been held here:

  • the OSCE summit;
  • the presentation of the Napoleon Project. Life, Legend;
  • the Asian Development Bank meeting (over 28,000 visitors).
  • In addition, artists hold solo exhibitions, professionals from various fields - conferences, pop artists give concerts, and writers organize congresses. All this confirms the fact that the Independence Palace in Astana is a political and cultural center.

Источник фото: https://a-vm.kz/object/independence

Poster of events at the Independence Palace

You can find information about upcoming events at the Independence Palace on the Ticketon website and immediately buy tickets for them online. For your convenience, we have also placed an online map with the detailed location of Independence Palace.