Республика күніне арналған «Атамекен» концерты

Venue: Petropavlovsk, Kattai Kenshinbayev str., 22, North Kazakhstan Regional Philharmonic named after Akana Sulfur

Date: October 21, 2022

Start: 18:30

Chief Conductor: Kayyrly Gafurov

Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, conductor: Dauren Glymov

People's Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Laureate of the State Prize of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Laureate of national and international competitions, Knight of the Order of «DANK», Professor: Baktybek Tilegenov

Laureate of international competitions: Sharipbek Uulu Rasulbek.

Parking space: 

Age restriction: 
