Enchantment, be prolonged and slow...
“Enchantment, be prolonged and slow...”
(An Evening of Art Songs)
An art song ... It is full of charm and light sadness. To listen to an art song is always pleasant and desirable. How many amazing art songs have been created by great composers! Today, they are close and clear to us just as they were close and clear to people who lived in the 19thand 20thcenturies.
The evening of art songs “Enchantment, be prolonged and slow!”will take place in the Chamber Hall of the Astana Opera House, featuring Russian and foreign composers’spopular art songs, songs and instrumental masterpieces which will be performed by opera soloists and orchestra musicians of the Astana Opera House.
The harmonious combination of beautiful melodies andexalted poetry of the Silver Age will create a poetic atmosphere.
Piano – Raushan Beskembirova, winner of international competitions
Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Management reserves the right to substitute performers and works performed