Loboda in Semey

Лобода в СемееVenue: Abai Arena, Karagaily microdistrict, 39, Semey

Date: February 2, 2023 ​

Start: 20:00

Artists: Svetlana Loboda

Parking space: 

Age limit: 






LOBODA is a Ukrainian superstar, performer of super hits, winner of numerous awards, creator of iconic images and a trendsetter on a global scale.

During her creative career, the singer has released many songs that instantly won the first lines of all the charts, collected many awards and billions of auditions in Europe and CIS countries, and her music videos have reached a total of 1.5 billion views.

On June 3, she presented a fresh video work for the song "Prayer", which was filmed in St. Peter's Church in Riga. And the Latvian Symphony Orchestra took part in the filming. The song itself is dedicated to the events taking place today in the singer's native country.

It starts at 20:00. Don't miss it!