«JAZZ BOMOND – 2023» Festival

Venue: Kostanay, concert hall Zhastar Sarayy

Date and time: 

November 23, 2023 the beginning: 18.30
November 24, 2023 start: 17.00
November 25, 2023 start: 15.00


Sapar Moldabekov /Kostanay/
Anastasia Pikuleva /G.Kostanay/
Nursultan Kuznetsova /Kostanay/
Ruslana Ponomareva / Kostanay/
Zarina Kulmukhambetova / Kostanay/

Genre: The repertoire includes pop, modern works in the field of jazz performance.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Additionally: The festival «JAZZ BOMOND – 2023», Introducing young people to jazz music. Exchange of creative experience between musicians.