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Those who wish to enjoy the romance of a flaming fire, of a foam of the surf, of an early dawn, to feel the greatness of mysterious and silent necropolises and underground mosques, to cross the place where the caravans of the Great Silk Road passed and to see a unique beauty of the nature of Mangistau, LLP "Otrar Travel" invites you to a two-day trip on the peninsula of contrasts - amazing land of Mangystau. Mangystau area amazes with originality, uniqueness, and significance. The sensations that you can feel, having gone on a trip to Mangystau. Earth of natural contrasts and the brightest ethnographic paints. If you think that the best vacation is a new meeting with history, architecture, nature, if you have an unquenchable sense of romance, LLP "Otrar Travel" invites you to a two-day trip on the peninsula of contrasts - amazing land of Mangystau.

Route: City Aktau – canyon Tamshaly – a cavity Zhygylgan – City Aktau. The total length of the route - 315 km.

The route will pass 202 km through the asphalt highway, and 105 km through the country road.  

For fans of rest on nature, with a guitar around the campfire, and all those who prefer to rest on the Caspian Sea coast and hiking in the canyons. On this route you will see the picturesque canyons - Tamshaly, which is popularly called the "Canyon of cheerful drops." Because of the jet of water that seeps from the ceiling of the grotto and flows through the canyon walls, canyon Tamshaly blossoms in the summer. Zhygylgan is a huge cavity where you will find the opportunity to walk among fancy fragments of rocks and to see the traces of primitive horses and saber-toothed tigers which have stiffened in a stone.

The cost of the tour is from 100 000 tenge per one day for one car. Сapacity of the car is 3 people.

Season: September, October, November


37/1, microdistrict 6, 

Business Center Fortune, Aktau

tel: 8 (7292) 203 986 mob. 7701 889 1010

Skype: otrar.travel.tourism

E-mail: [email protected]
