Акмолинский областной русский драматический театр

Ballet «The Nutcracker» with the participation of the troupe «Balletto Nazionale Italiano»

Балет «Щелкунчик» с участием труппы «Balletto Nazionale Italiano»Venue: Astana, ave. Mangilik El, B2.3, Nomad City Hall

Date: December 12, 2023

Start: 19:00

Music: P.I. Tchaikovsky

Duration: 2 hours, The performance goes with 1 intermission

Performance of the troupe: Balletto Nazionale Italiano

Guest stars: Royal Opera House – Premier Vadim Muntagirov and prima ballerina Fumi Kaneko

With the participation of: AHU im.Selezneva.

Genre: ballet