QUEEN show Bayan Alaguzova
Bayan Alaguzova's show «QUEEN»
An unprecedented performance tells about the life of the most popular woman of Kazakhstan.
This show will show the creative path of the star, who managed to become a successful TV presenter, actress and producer.
This unique show has no analogues. The viewer will see one decade of her life after another, focusing on the brightest events.
Bayan Alaguzova, Bagym Mukhitdenova, Zharkynai Khanaiym, KeshYou, Zhanar Dugalova, Nurzhan Tazhikenov, Erke Esmahan, Akbota-Nur, BIDASH, Elizat, Nazym Abildina, Zhuldyz Omirgali, Abik Jeksen, Actors of Musrepov Theatre.
Dress code: Black tie
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