BISCAS in Astana
Venue: Astana, KazMedia Hall
Date: February 23, 2025
Time: 19:00
Age limit: 12+
Additionally: If you are under 12 years old, then you can only go to the concert with an accompanying person. The accompanying person is mom, dad, or a notarized guardian, no one else, this is the law (it was not invented by us). Neither an older brother, a non-adult friend, nor a friend's mother is your escort. If you are over 12 years old, you can attend the site without an escort. No matter what age you are, you must have an original identity document with you. You and your escort, so that we can make sure that you are relatives. The attendant also needs a ticket to get to the venue.
Astana, KazMedia Hall
February 23, 2025
Age limit
If you are under 12 years old, then you can only go to the concert with an accompanying person. The accompanying person is mom, dad, or a notarized guardian, no one else, this is the law (it was not invented by us). Neither an older brother, a non-adult friend, nor a friend's mother is your escort. If you are over 12 years old, you can attend the site without an escort. No matter what age you are, you must have an original identity document with you. You and your escort, so that we can make sure that you are relatives. The attendant also needs a ticket to get to the venue.
- DateLocationZoneAdultsChildren
- 23FebruarySunКазМедиа ХоллБискасfrom 4500 ₸from 4500 ₸