17 August * Saturday * 2019 (6.00 pm)



of the Karaganda Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy


Maksim Dunayevsky

Scarlet Sails

A Musical in 2 Acts



Libretto by Mikhail Bartenev and Andrei Usachev

The premiere took place on 26 October 2018




Director: winner of The Golden Mask, Man of the Year, Melpomene and Song of the Year Theatre Awards Susanna TSIRYUK (St. Petersburg, Russia);

Music Director: Zhanna SHESTAKOVA;

Ballet Master: two-time winner of The Golden Mask, Honoured Artist of Russia Vladislav MOROZOV (Chelyabinsk, Russia);

Costume Designer: winner of international competitions and exhibitions Tatiana KOROLEVA (St. Petersburg, Russia);

Lighting and Set Designer: Alexei TARASOV (St. Petersburg, Russia);

Chorus Master: holder of the Order of Kurmet Tatiana SHTYKOVA



Scarlet Sails is Alexander Grin’s story-extravaganza about unshakable faith and all-conquering and sublime dream. Written between 1916 and 1922, it tells that everyone is able to do wonders for his or her close ones. This is a story about Assol, a girl who lost her mother when she was only eight months old. Assol lived in Caperna, a small village, with her father Longren, a former seaman. Unsociable and private, he has retired and begun making and selling toys - skillfully carved models of sailboats and steamboats - to make a living for himself and his little daughter. One day, when Assol was eight years old, she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was the old Egl, who “made collections of songs, legends, lore and tales”. He gave the toy back to Assol and foretold that the years would pass and “when she grows up and becomes an adult, one day a prince will come on the same ship with scarlet sails and carry her away to a distant country”.