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Tamara Asar

Tamara Asar

Date of Birth
16.07.1976 (48), Mangistau region

Who by the sign of the zodiac

Studying there, Tamara, who was much lower than her peers, realized that her dancing career was closed to her and concentrated on music. After finishing school and being influenced by her mother and father, who wanted "calm stability" for her daughter, Tamara entered the pedagogical university for her music education class. But, Tamara understood that the profession of a teacher was "tight" for her and she tried her hand at a variety studio. Since 1997 she has collaborated with ensembles "Ak Zhauyn", "Aigul", "Ular", "Gulder".

It was the beginning of 90th years. To live somehow Tamara made dumplings, worked as a maid, but it was nothing compared to the trouble that happened to her. At 22, Tamara Asar had an accident and lost her leg. But despite the terrible tragedy, the woman

After a 5-year break, Tamara Asar returned to the stage. The contest Yeki zhuldyz became a bit oracular for her - star Tamara Asar lit up for the second time and since then continues to delight her admirers with soulful songs.

Personal life

Tamara Asar tells little about her family and relations, preferring to share only her art with her admirers.