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Shopping mall Forum Almaty

Address: Seifullin Avenue, 617.

Contact number: 8 (707) 704-49-03.

Metro: Baykonur station.

Distance from the station: 1 400 meters.

Entrance: from Seifullin Avenue, Nikitin Street, and Timiryazev Street.

Parking: ground parking for visitors. Drive at the intersection of Seifullin Avenue on Nikitina Street.

Canteen: food court.

Forum Almaty Shopping and Entertainment Center - a new place to spend leisure time.

Here you can find it:

  • Center of differences for children and teenagers;
  • Cinema;
  • Supermarket
  • Restaurants and coffee shops;
  • Food court and so on.

Huge space Forum Almaty has repeatedly become a place of large-scale cultural and entertainment events. For more information, please visit the Ticketon website.