Venue: Artishok Theater Big stage of Artishok Theater, Almaty, Gogol 40

The author of the play: Tonya Shipulina
Director: Galina Pyanova

Artist: Anton Bolkunov

Lighting Designer: Emil Vyatkin

Sound engineer: Dastan Mazhitov

Playwright: Olga Malysheva

Costume designer: Olga Druzhinina

Composer: Victor Kim

The actors: Zhora: Aigerim Ergalieva, Vasily Bolkunov. Mom, teacher: Aiganym Sagynbayeva. Dad: Kirill Nagaev, Osteopath: Kuantai Abdimadi. Grandmother, grandfather: Nursultan Mukhamedzhanov. Chamomile: Victoria Mukhamedzhanova
Genre:  ARTиШОК for children
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes, without intermission

Age limit: 6-13 years old, the performance is for family viewing. *please note that a ticket for a child is purchased regardless of age. 
