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Asylbek Boranbai

Asylbek Boranbai

Date of Birth
12.02.1972 (53), Aralsk, Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

If on stage appeared Asylbek Boranbay, you can be sure that ahead of an interesting and multifaceted game.

Creative Way

After finishing school in 1989 in his native Aralsk, the future actor entered the Almaty Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov. In 1993, Asybek joined the troupe of actors of the Academic Drama Theatre named after T.K. Zhurgenov. In 1993 Asybek joined the actors' troupe of the M. Auezov Academic Drama Theatre in Almaty, where he still works. During his career, he managed to perform roles in plays:

  • "The Inspector";
  • "Abai";
  • "Marriage";
  • "Farhad-Shirin";
  • "Testimony to a Crime" and many others.

In 1994, the Khabar channel launched a humorous television project " The Tamasha Satire Theatre" in the Kazakh language, in which Asylbek Boranbai participated. The performances did not fully allow the actor to reach his comic potential, so he became one of the leading actors of the satire program. In 2004 Asylbek was promoted to director and artistic director of the TV program. The show lasted until 2008.

Asylbek Boranbai: family life

Alysbek is married to teacher Guzel Ushurova. In a happy family, there are five children: four girls and one boy. Pictures of the artist with his wife and children can often be seen in his profile in installations. In April 2019, Boranbay's eldest daughter got married.

Interesting facts:


1. In 2002, he was awarded the Prize of the Youth Union of Kazakhstan.


2. Acts as a presenter at weddings, corporate parties, and social events.


3. Big admirer of the poet Abai Kunanbayev.