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Nurgul Alpysbaeva

Nurgul Alpysbaeva

Date of Birth
10.08.1988 (36), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign


Actress Nurgul Alpysbaeva has managed to prove herself on the stage of the theater and in cinema, making big plans and working hard, conquering the next heights.

Creative Way

When Nurgul was 12 years old, she attended a modern dance studio, and when the Todes school opened in the city, she immediately signed up for classes. Over time, there were other hobbies: vocals, French lessons, playing the piano.

On television has got as a journalist. At first, she was trained at the Hit-TV music channel, then she transferred to the department of entertainment programs. She immersed herself in the scripts that she wrote around the clock but did not feel the burden: each event filled her life with new experiences.

Her theatrical works at the theatre "Jas Sahna" enjoyed the success of the audience. Nurgul Alpysbaeva lets her performances pass through her soul. Her heroines are distinguished by their beauty and difficult character. The production of "The Dog" became especially noticeable. She managed to star in 2 films.

Nurgul Alpysbaeva: family life

Married to director Ilya Kuzyrov. They got married 3 years after the first meeting. They're raising a daughter.


Interesting facts:

  1. She does not like to sit idly by left maternity leave when the baby was 9.5 months old.
  2. Often goes to castings, takes off in advertising.
  3. Nurgul is the face of the "Academy of Health" medical center.