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Zholaman Amir

Zholaman Amir

Date of Birth
01.05.1971 (53), Kolysayskoye village

Zodiac sign

At the moment, behind his back, Zholaman Amirov is working in various productions, with a wide genre range - from drama to tragedy.

Creative Way

From 1978 to 1980, the future actor received musical education in the dombra class at the Circus School of the Republic under the guidance of teacher Kubis Muhitov. After 4 years he entered the Kazakh National Academy of Theatre Art, where he studied till 1986. Since then he actively performs and today he is a member of the troupe of the academic drama theatre named after Mukhtar Auezov.

The well-known performances of Zholaman Amirov are it:

  • "The Dead World";
  • "The Fooled Husband";
  • "Aoar Kashid";
  • "Kobylyands";
  • "Akjoz" and others.

He has also starred in several films, including "Brothers" and "Married at 30". The versatility of Jolaman's talent is also manifested in the fact that he writes songs, he wrote such compositions as "Life", "Mom", "Father".

Zholaman Amir: family life

Married, raising a daughter with his wife.

Interesting facts

  1. He took part in the festival "Theatre Spring", which was dedicated to the anniversary of Sh. Aymanov.
  2. In 2004, he was awarded the diploma of the President of "Kurmet" "For Vocal Performing Skills", is the holder of the Order of Honor and medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
  3. He maintains a page in the social network of installations, where he publishes photos from filming processes.