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Sabit Orazbaev

Sabit Orazbaev

Date of Birth
29.01.1936 (89), Arys, Kazakhstan

Who on the sign of the zodiac

actor, teacher, professor

Sabit Orazbayev is a talented actor who devoted his life to the stage. He started his career with comedy images. The first productions were: "The Wolfcat under the Cap" and "The Pile has arrived.

Creative Way

In 1959 he graduated from the Kazakh National Conservatoire named after M.V. Lomonosov. He graduated from the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. Relatives of Sabit sent him from a small town to Almaty to study as a veterinarian, as it was prestigious. Practically having entered on this specialty, the young man decided to walk in a new for himself city, and from open windows, he heard sounds of musical instruments. With difficulty, he took the documents and gave them to the vocal department. Already studying at the conservatory, when the theater department was opened there, he transferred to it. From 1960 to the present day he has been working as an actor at the Auezov Drama Theatre.

In his entire life, he has played over 100 roles. Below are listed several performances in which Sabit Orazbaev played:

  • "The Guilty Without Guilt";
  • "Cain is Adam's son."
  • "Dough Married."
  • "Prisoner of the Steppes";
  • "The Prayer Rug";
  • "The Inspector."
  • "Guardian of Silence" and others.

Sabit Orazbaev: family life

Prefers not to spread the word about his relationship.


Interesting facts:

  1. In 1976 he was awarded the title "People's Artist of Kazakhstan", and in 1994 he was awarded the prize "Honored Worker of Uzbekistan".
  2. In his free time, he writes books. He is the author of the works "Life itself is the theatre" and "If you want to be purified, go to the theatre" in which he told about the backstage life. Basically these are positive memories, but the weaknesses of famous personalities are also described.