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Kuralai Anarbekova

Kuralai Anarbekova

Date of Birth
11.06.1989 (35), Shalkar.

Zodiac sign

actress, producer

Kuralai Anarbekova is a well-known Kazakh actress who has been starring in national films for seven years. Regularly amazes the audience with a good game, appearing before them in different images.  

Creative Way

When I was a teenager, I didn't think about making movies, but when I was a student, I got carried away with the model business, in which she managed to achieve good results. There she was noticed by the producers and offered to try himself as one of the heroines of the movie "My Sinful Angel".

Her debut was a success, and Kuralai Anarbekova put films and film career in the foreground. She has a record of service:

  • "The Ball's Troops."
  • "The Road to Mother."
  • "Business in Kazakh."
  • "Brother or marriage 1 and 2."
  • "Amanat" and others.

In addition to cinema, the Kuralay can also be often seen by guests of various TV shows and events.

Kuralai Anarbekova: family life

The girl is among the TOP 5 unmarried brides in the country who have devoted themselves to the cinema. Now she is interested exclusively in creativity, and in social networks, she constantly shares her photos from work and tells about interesting events.


Interesting facts:

  1. Mastering the profession of the producer.
  2. In 2006 she represented her hometown in the contest "Miss Kazakhstan 2006".
  3. Has 2 higher education, graduated from KazNTU named after Satpayev, then entered the VGIK named after Gerasimov, in Moscow.