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Kamshat Zholdybayeva

Kamshat Zholdybayeva

Date of Birth
28.01.1988 (36), Mangistau region, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Having finished the 9th grade, Kamshat Zholdybayeva intended to link her life with English and teaching. But fate has decided very differently and the talent of the girl was not left unnoticed. Studying at the 3rd year of KazNPU named after Abai, she came to the casting of the movie "Cocktail for a Star", but in addition to becoming one of the soloists of the band "Keshots". After that Kamshat makes a decision to transfer to the Variety Faculty at KazNAI named after Jurgenov. Time in "KeshYOU" for Kamshat Zholdybayeva was very fruitful, not for nothing because the three of Kamshat, Aidana and Zhanar are called the golden composition of the group.  

In 2015 Kamshat started solo creative work in parallel working on her film career. So in the arsenal of Kamshat Zholdybayeva's role in the films "Paryez", "Alien Children", "Kazakh Khanate. Diamond Sword", "Birzhan Sal" and others.

Kamshat Zholdybayeva sings her songs not only solo but also by a duet. Thus, her joint hit "Tynda Meni" with Mirbek Atabekov (Kyrgyzstan) excited the Internet, so much that they immediately attributed the novel to them.  Kamshat also works as a host of the program Zhandy Dauys on the Khabar TV channel.


Kamshat has a brother and sister who have also contributed to creativity: Altynay is the younger sister, performing in the band JayRun, and brother Ruslan is studying at the Academy of Arts. Kamshat Zholdybayeva does not speak about her personal life and continues to be among the most enviable brides.