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Daria Jusip

Daria Jusip

Date of Birth
09.08.1972 (52),

Zodiac sign

actress, teacher

Daria Jusip is a versatile, talented actress. She sings beautifully, dances well and can live her role on stage so that the audience is breathtaking.

Creative path

In 1993, Dariya left the walls of the Pushkin State Institute of Theatre and Cinema with a red diploma. She left the walls of the T. Zhurgenov State Institute of Theatre and Cinema (now KazNAI). After that, she started working in the Kazakh Academic Drama Theatre named after T.Zhurgenov (now KazNAI). After that, she started working in the Kazakh Academic Drama Theatre named after M. Auezov. Here Daria Zhusip played in plays:

  •  "Princess Turandot";
  • "Hello, sweet pain!"?
  • "Gypsy Serenade";
  • "The Carpet of Jomart."
  • "Possessed."
  • "Arshin - Mal Alan", etc.

The musicals Ali Baba and Forty Robbers and The Last Ocean of Genghis Khan were especially noted by the audience and critics. Daria is also featured in films. On her account, there are such films as: "Zamanai and Amanai", "Barrier" and "Kulpash".

Daria Jusip: family life

Married to Tungyshbaem Zhamankulov - People's Artist of Kazakhstan. The couple is raising three children.


Interesting facts:

  1. In 2009 she was awarded the title of the Honored Worker of the RK.
  2. In 2012, students of KazNAI named after T. Zhurgenov staged a play "Hamlet" under her leadership.
  3. She became a laureate of the Fund of the First President of Kazakhstan and the Prize of the Union of Youth.
  4. In 1998 she received a diploma of the Institute of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaykhan on specialty "English language". In 2008, she graduated from the Abylaikhan Conservatory. In 2008, she graduated from the Kurmangazy Conservatoire, chamber singing class.