Афиша спорта в Усть-Каменогорске

In the World of Music (To the International Music Day and the opening of the 11th theatre season)

Location: Astana, Astana Opera

Date: September 29-October 1, 2023

Time: 14:00, 12:00

Duration: 50 minutes

Age restriction: 5+

Additionally: Please note that the age limit is 5+.

The Directorate reserves the right to replace performers and performed works. 

Tickets purchased at the Astana Opera are subject to exchange and refund only in cases of cancellation or postponement of performances. In all other cases, no refund or exchange is made.


The Astana Opera Theater opens its new XI season with a children's concert «In the World of Music», where young viewers will get acquainted with vocal voices, instruments of the symphony orchestra, hear works of national and world music classics.


Children's perception of music begins with the recognition of emotions that are part of the structure of musical content. To develop the emotional responsiveness of young viewers, a poly-artistic approach is used in the creation of concert programs, involving the use of a synthesis of arts: painting, literature, music, as well as interactive games.

We invite our young viewers to discover the wonderful world of music together with the artists of the Astana Opera Theater.


Opera soloists, artists of the orchestra of the Astana Opera Theater