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Astral. New Souls (2022)

Астрал. Новые души (2022)Year of manufacture: 2022


Country of manufacture: Indonesia

Director: Ginanti Rona Tembang Sari

The main actors: Emir Mahira, Zee JKT48, Andrew Barret, Angel Sianturi

Genre: horrors

Duration: 106 minutes

Age limit: 18+

Premiere date: January 4, 2024


High school student Raqqa has the supernatural gift of seeing the souls of the dead. When he moves to a new school, he begins to be haunted by the ghost of a mysterious girl. The guy manages to find out that she is taking revenge on her abusers for bullying. However, he soon realizes that her power is growing: now she wants to take all the souls, danger hangs over the whole school.