Афиша спорта в Усть-Каменогорске


2022 / 2023                    Main Hall           the 10th Season

12 August * Saturday * 12.00 pm


The Karaganda Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy


S. Tsiryuk


Musical fairy tale

Author: Susanna Tsiryuk

Running time: 1 hour

Please note that the age limit is 5+.

Management reserves the right to substitute performers and works performed


The premiere took place on 6 December 2009



Stage Director: Susanna TSIRYUK, winner of The Golden Mask (St. Petersburg)

Music Director and Conductor: Boris KUZMIN

Choreographer: Vladimir AKRACHKOV

Set Designer: Tatiana KOROLEVA


Aladdin is one of the heroes of the popular Arabian fairy tales, The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. In a Persian town, a poor tailor had a son called Aladdin. One day a Maghribian, who turned out to be a wizard and a cunning sorcerer called Jaffar, visited their house.

He used Aladdin for his own purposes: a magic lamp must be brought from the treasure, which gives whoever owns it power and wealth. Jaffar himself could not do this – a wizard cannot get his hands on the treasure.

However, with Aladdin, the journey starts the moment he takes possession of the lamp. The Book of One Thousand and One Nights' most romantic pages – Princess Boudour and Aladdin’s love story – are depicted using vivid colours and fresh scenic solutions. Every image and music in the performance reflects the majesty of the holiday and the ordinariness of Eastern living. The story of Aladdin’s adventures has a happy ending.

This story is set up so that as soon as a person becomes aware of themselves and their surroundings, they can reason about what is happening, consider whether their decisions were the right ones, and take ownership of their actions and opinions. This leads to a correct perception of everything they observe.

It may be seven years for some, ten, or twenty for others... But you also need to be familiar with the classics as they have been interpreted in various media, such as music, film, and the stage. What everyone takes home and brings with them after another encounter with a masterpiece is what matters most.  Let’s hope the choice is always the right one!

Special effects enhanced the sense of fairy tale. The performance itself is more fast-paced and unusual. In the foreground is earthly love, which no one can escape. And perhaps love is what true magic on earth is.


Tickets purchased at the Astana Opera are exchangeable and refundable only in cases of cancelled or postponed performances. In all other cases, no refunds and exchanges are possible.