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Gaziza Abdinabieva

Gaziza Abdinabieva

Date of Birth
03.12.1948, Tartogay village
Date of death
18.04.2021 (72)

Zodiac sign


Gaziza Abdinabieva is the Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, known for her projects "Birzhan Sal" and "Prayer of Leyla". She often plays in theatres and participates in public events.

Creative path

Since 1970, he has regularly participated in theatrical productions and appeared before the audience in various images. The theatre has become her second home, and since then performances with Gaziza Abdinabieva have always been a great success. Her repertoire includes the following works:

  • "Hamlet";
  • "Night of the Lunar Eclipse"
  • "The Gypsy Serenade"
  • "The Shuga"
  • " ALGHIR's Madonnas"
  • "An age without love"
  • "Arshin Mal Alan";
  • "Ukili Yybray", etc.

In 1977 she was noticed by the director Lavrentiy Son and invited to the picture "Salt and Bread". This was the debut in cinematography. This allowed her to show her talent on the big screen as well. She took part in more than 10 films, which received positive reviews from the press. The last work at the moment is "Cempir", where she played Kulpash.

Gasa Abdinabieva: family life

She met her husband in her youth through mutual acquaintances, he works as a supplier and is engaged in agriculture. Their mother-in-law lived with them almost all her life, with whom she had a wonderful relationship.

During the marriage, the couple had two sons. The family tries to spend a lot of time together, despite Gaziza's busy schedule. From time to time, people close to her persuade her to retire, but she flatly refuses.


Interesting facts:

  1. On stage, she was successful in the role of Arcadine from the work "The Seagull".  Critics have fully appreciated her game. 
  2. She received a medal "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" and the Order of "Kurmet".  She is a laureate of local and international festivals.