ТЮЗ г. Темиртау

New Year's circus ethno-show LAND OF THE MAMMOTH in Astana

астана бриллиантовый цирк астана якутияVenue: Astana, Kabanbai Batyr Avenue 5, Astana Circus

Date: from December 16, 2023

Beginning: 16:00

Artists: acrobats, equilibrists, aerialists, jugglers, rubber girls, ballet dancers and funny clowns

Parking space: there is

Age limit: 0+

Additionally: Entrance to the auditorium is 1 hour before the start of the event. Please arrive in advance in order to have time to hand over your outerwear to the dressing room and take your seats. Have fun!

Children under 4 years old are Free! Without providing a place! (one child under 4 years old accompanied by one adult, if an adult ticket is available.)




For the first time in the Capital's Circus, the Diamond Circus of Yakutia with the circus ethno-show «LAND OF THE MAMMOTH».
Under the blows of the tambourines of shamans, in the very first seconds you will immerse yourself in a fascinating action that tells about the origin of the Sakha people from ancient times, when mammoths walked the earth, about the majestic nature and wildlife, the riches of the beautiful North. Acrobats, equilibrists, aerialists, jugglers, rubber girls, ballet dancers and funny clowns will amaze you with the wonders of balance, dexterity, plasticity and clarity in the performance of new incredible tricks.
 Only in our ethno-show you will be the first in the world to see a huge mammoth with a baby mammoth!
Specially for this project, 200 exclusive author's costumes, a luxurious barrier track, bright unique decorations, more than 60 circus artists of various genres, lighting effects, dynamic original music were created – all this will create an unforgettable magical atmosphere.
The new circus ethno-show «Mammoth Land» will give you a feeling of joy, bright delight and a real holiday!
A team of international professionals worked on the creation of the ethno-show.