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Arzhan Dzhazilbekova

Arzhan Dzhazilbekova

Date of Birth
25.02.1986 (39), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Kazakh film star Aruzhan Dzhazilbekova graduated from the Linguistic Gymnasium, then received higher education, having mastered the profession of journalist.

Her creative way

During her studies at the school, Aruzhan entered the modeling course. She had no goal to conquer the podium: she only wanted to learn to move gracefully and be feminine. However, her spectacular appearance, high height (175 cm) and slim figure immediately attracted the attention of teachers. In 2004, the future actress took part in the prestigious contest Ford Models Supermodel of the World, where she won. Aruzhan shone on the podiums for 3 years, but after receiving her diploma, she got a job in a large commercial PR-company.

The film career began in 2010, after she accidentally got to the casting of the painting "Swing of Love", where she brilliantly played the main character. And then starred in the youth series "Asel, friends, and girlfriends. After that, Aruzhan began to receive new proposals in diametrically opposed genres: she played in comedy projects, crime dramas, romantic and historical films. In all films, Arzhan Dzhazilbekova showed herself as a professional, and especially memorable to viewers on the role of Nargis in the series "The Golden Horde".

Arzhan Dzhazilbekova: family life

Married to film director Ahat Ibraev. They met on the shooting of the advertising quest "Nurkenov Family" and the relationship at first was only business. Gradually, warm feelings were born, an affair was started, which ended in September 2013 with a wedding.


Interesting facts:

  • My only daughter.
  • The actress has a hobby: with her husband, she periodically goes to the mountains to admire the starry sky.
  • She worked as editor-in-chief.