Афиша кино в Таразе

Musical Offering to АLMA MATER

2017/2018                                Chamber Hall                the 5th Season

20 February * Tuesday * 7.00 pm

Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Kazakh National University of Arts

“Musical Offering to АLMA MATER”

2018 is an anniversary year both for Astana city and the main creative university of the capital - the Kazakh National University of Arts (Kazakh National Academy of Music).

Headed by Rector Aiman Mussakhodzhayeva, People’s Artist of Kazakhstan, “Kazakhstannyn Yenbek Yeri” and Professor, the Kazakh National University of Arts has become the “talent foundry” for many musical and theatrical teams of the country. Instrumentalists and vocalists, actors and producers, painters and operators, stage designers and sculptors successfully work, raising the national art of Kazakhstan to the higher international level.

Talented alumni of the University will give a concert devoted to this significant event featuring classical works and pieces by Kazakhstani composers.


Running time: 1 hour 30  minutes


Management reserves the right to substitute performers and works performed