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A two-day trip to Kolsai+ Kayyndy+Black Canyon

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Place of departure:
Almaty, Abaya str. 50, Circus parking
Trip plan:
21:00 gathering, 21:30 departure.
1 day:
02:30 arrival in the village of Karabulak, accommodation in guest houses.  
08:00 - 09:00 breakfast.
09:45 - 18:30 walk on Kolsai lake. Those who wish go with a guide on a hike to the lake. Kolsai 2. Lunch time.                                                                19:15 - return to the guest houses.
19:30 – dinner, free time, overnight.
Day 2:
8:00 - breakfast. 
9:00 – drive, walk on Kayyndy Lake 
13:30 - lunch.  
15:00 - departure to Almaty.
16:00 – 16:30 visit to Charyn "Black Canyon"                    
20:30 arrival in the city.