Афиша кино в Таразе

Bach & Bruch

Chamber Hall
3 March 7.00 pm

“Bach & Bruch”

On March 3, the “Bach & Bruch” concert will be held. The programme features concertos by I.S. Bach and M. Bruch, German composers of different epochs.

Orchestral music is an important part of the legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). He composed six Brandenburg Concertos, clavier and violin concertos, works for violin, cello etc.
Being an excellent violinist himself, the composer Bach perfectly grasped the possibilities of the instrument and its ‘style’. Bach tried to transfer the polyphony developed in the organ and clavier music to the works for violin, imposing extremely high requirements for the instrument.

The follower of Mendelssohn and Schumann’s school, Max Bruch (1838-1920), a composer and conductor, whose creative work relates to the late Romanticism, was a lyrical and epic artist. He composed most comprehensible, clear, melodically expressive, harmonious and balanced in form music. The most popular instrumental works of the composer are Violin Concerto No.1, the Second Symphony, “Scottish Fantasy” for violin and orchestra, and “Kol nidrei” for cello and orchestra.

On the programme:

  1. I.S. Bach. Concerto for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord in a-moll
  2. I.S. Bach. Concerto for two violins d-moll
  3. M. Bruch. Double Concerto for Violin, Viola and Orchestra e-moll, op.88
  4. M. Bruch. Romance for viola and orchestra in F-dur, ор.85 


Kalamkas Zhumabayeva (violin)
Pavel Romanenko (viola, Moscow)
Bagdat Abilkhanov (violin), Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan
Aisulu Baikenova (violin)
Alexei Kosyrev (flute)
Dolores Umbetaliyeva (harpsichord)

Astana Opera Chamber Orchestra
Conductor – Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan Abzal Mukhitdinov

The running time of the concert is 1 hour 30 min