Афиша театров в Таразе


A park in front of the old Polish castle of Prince Adam. Music is coming from the illuminated windows: a ball is being held in the castle. An affectionate meeting between Maria, the Prince’s daughter, and her lover Vaslav. The guards bring a captured Tatar warrior – The Tatars are close. Nevertheless, the celebration continues. The park is filling up with guests to the sound of polonaise. Maria and Vaslav are among them. Suddenly, the captain of the guard reports the troubling news – The Tatars are approaching the castle. The women scatter, the men get ready to defend the castle. A battle ensues. Wrapped in a veil, Maria and Vaslav try to escape. Their path is blocked by Khan Ghirei. He strikes Vaslav down with his dagger and unveils Maria. Struck by her beauty, he carries her away.