Афиша театров в Таразе

Андорра фестиваль в Астане

Venue: State Academic Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after K.Kuanyshbayev (Astana)

The author of the play: Max Frisch

Director of Photography: Natasha Dubs

Actors: Bekarys Boranbayev, Yulia Kozhomina, Israel Berkman

Genre: Drama

Duration:1 h 40 min

Age limit: 18+

Additionally: The screening of the play "Andorra" of the Republican German Drama Theater will be held in Astana, within the framework of the XXVIIII Republican Theater Festival of Drama Theaters of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan Zhandarbekova Sholpan Isabekovna.