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Rauf Habibullin

Rauf Habibullin

Date of Birth
19.02.1987 (37), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Who by the sign of the zodiac


Rauf Habibullin is a talented dramatic actor and founder of the children's theatre.

Creative path

After school, he entered the Kazakh National Academy of Art named after Zhurgenov. He studied at the specialty "actor of theatre and cinema". Already then his talent started to open up, and after graduation from the university, he started to play on the stage of the theatre named after M.Y.Lermontov. Today Rauf Habibullin is involved in many performances:


  • "A lot of noise from nothing";
  • "The Inspector";
  • "Romeo and Juliet";
  • "Woe from Wit."
  • "Vasilisa the Beautiful."
  • "Crystal Shoe."
  • "Pygmalion."
  • "Pajamas for six."
  • «№13»;
  • "Desire Tram."
  • "Transfer."
  • "Filumena."

The artist is the creator, as well as the artistic director of the actor's studio and children's theatre "Game". And also on his account of work in two films: "The deal" (2012) and "The Builders" (2013).

Rauf Habibullin: Family Life

Married, the chosen one's name is Zarina. A couple is growing up with Ryan's daughter.