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Galymzhan Moldanazar

Galymzhan Moldanazar

Date of Birth
20.10.1988 (36), Kyzylorda

Zodiac sign

Galymzhan Moldanazar, a singer from the "future" on the Kazakh stage. He as a magician combines Kazakh language and actual directions in modern music and as a result, you get tracks which you pay attention to at once. Moldanazar proved that if you love what you do, then the absence of special education, "crusts" and regalia is not an obstacle to create high-quality tracks.

Creative path

He was born in the outback near Kyzylorda. His youngest son, a military father, seems to have a desire to sing, but Galymzhan has always had it. Having finished school, he went to Almaty to enter KazNAI named after Zhurgenov in vocal class, but he did not pass: no students are accepted without training, so he chose the acting department. Having studied for a year, he understood that his soul to this kind of art does not lie and left the university.

The act to parents did not speak until he got a job in a recording studio. Working there, Galymzhan Moldanazar began to write songs more actively, more precisely, to devote more time to this business.  The first attempts to express themselves were not as successful as the singer wanted. The unusual sound for the local show business attracted a few but was not accepted by the masses.

Everything changed after the performance of Break of Reality at Zhambyl Philharmonic where Galymzhan also played. The American performer was interested in a guy singing indie style in the national language. Break of Reality invited Galymzhan to work with him in the USA. That's how, at first glorifying himself externally, he found interest in home listeners. By the way, later the band Moldanazar gave a concert in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and New York, which proves that domestic synth-pop can be competitive on the world stage.

The new stage began after meeting Malik Senger, director and scriptwriter. Their social video clip "Ozin Ghana" amazed the audience with an amazing melody and story told in it. The video was filmed in an abandoned assembly hall of AZTM and all participants were filmed free of charge. After the release of the video, there was a mishap: it turned out to be very similar to the work of the group "Ocean of Yelza". The guys commented on this moment as follows: "It's a pity. We haven't even seen this clip, although we both listen to O.E.". In general, Moldanazar is often compared with Ivan Dorn and Tesla Boy, to which the artist reacts calmly.

Moldanazar: family

The artist is married, together with his wife they raise two sons.

Interesting facts

  1. Performed soundtracks for "Taraz" and "Forbidden Dances".
  2. Composed texts and music for Kairat Tuntekov, the band Ringo, Asyl Beledbhan.