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Ashim Akhmetov

Ashim Akhmetov

Date of Birth
13.03.1991 (33), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Ashim Akhmetov is a popular actor who has already become in demand far beyond his homeland. On his account dozens of roles in various paintings.

Creative Way

Ashim studied in secondary school No. 157. Years of study - 1998-2009. After finishing school, he entered the KazNAI named after Zhurgenov. In 2013 he received a diploma in the specialty "Actor of Drama Theatre and Cinema". His film career began with films:

  • "A brave thousand children";
  • "Kazakh Batyrlars";
  • "Taraz";
  • "Glamour for the fools";
  • "Married at 30", etc.


In the "Brigade" played Murata, this film role was appreciated by both the public and critics. In his films are absolutely different genres: military, drama, historical, comedy, crime, melodramas, adventure, series, art.

 Separately, it is worth noting the work in the theater. At the moment, Ashim Akhmetov can be seen on the stage "Jas Sahna" in the plays "Avalanche", "These Free Butterflies", "Classmates. Lessons from Life", "The Healer is Driven" and "The Happy Beggars". In the latter, played by him vizier turned out comical and colorful, by the way, this is his first role in the "adult" productions, before it, he was more often involved in student work.

Ashim Akhmetov: family life

Not married. Dates a girl he's in a serious relationship with. Young people are planning to get married and have children. Ashim doesn't give any more information. He has a brother, Bekarys.

Interesting facts:

  • The first film where he starred was "Robbery in Kazakh".
  • He prefers V. Shakespeare, P. Aitmatov among writers.
  • Favorite films "Titanic", "Lion King", "Outcast", "Spartacus".