Scorpions в Алматы

2020 / 2021                    Chamber Hall               the 8th Season

9 December * Wednesday * 7.00 pm



“The History of Romance” Cycle

I Remember a Wondrous Moment…


On 9 December 2020, the leading soloists of the theatre will present a new cycle “The History of Romance”, which will feature vocal miniatures by Russian and foreign composers. The cycle will become a kind of excursion through the genre of romance from its very beginnings to the present days.


It is expected that each concert in this cycle will be a grand event, revealing the vast world of the multifaceted genre of romance. The first concert will feature romances by Russian composers of the pre-Glinka period and by Mikhail Glinka himself to lyrics by Russian poets.

The programme includes romances by A. Alyabyev, A. Gurilyov, A. Varlamov, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Glinka and others.




Aigul NIYAZOVA, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan (soprano)

Azamat ZHELTYRGUZOV, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan (baritone)

Piano – Timur URMANCHEYEV, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan



Running time – 1 hour 15 minutes