Расписание кинотеатра Синемакс Шымкент

BALLET EVENING: Gala Ballet, оne-act ballet by Raimondo Rebeck «How Long is Now?»


In two parts

Gala Ballet

How Long is Now?

One-act ballet by Raimondo Rebeck

The two-part programme includes pas de deux from classical ballets, miniatures by contemporary Kazakhstani and foreign choreographers and the one-act ballet by Raimondo Rebeck How Long is Now? performed by the ballet dancers of the Astana Opera House.


Artistic Director of the Astana Opera Ballet Company:

Altynai ASYLMURATOVA, People’s Artist of Russia

Conductor: Elmar BURIBAYEV

Stage Managers: Altynganym AKHMETOVA, Ainur KHALELOVA

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How long is now?

One-act ballet

Choreography: Raimondo Rebeck

Scenography (to the sketches by Raimondo Rebeck): Victor Carare

Lighting Design: Carlo Cerri

Costume Design (to the sketches by Raimondo Rebeck): Arassel Dosmuratova

The ballet How Long is Now? by the German choreographer R. Rebeck is a philosophical reflection on time and its distinct moments.

How long can Now last at different moments of life? It seems to the one who is in love that a kiss is as long as eternity, and the memories of suffering can last forever or disappear without a trace... Time flows differently for a person who is painfully passing away, and for people who love this person.

Today is tomorrow’s Yesterday, because what has just happened, immediately becomes the past. Thus, you can answer the question “How long is Now?”, as the White Rabbit answered a similar question of Alice, the heroine of Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, “Now, like Forever, sometimes lasts just one second”.

In Raimondo Rebeck’s ballet, three pairs of ballet dancers will illustrate the different stages of a person’s life. By means of art of dance, the talented choreographer makes an original attempt to investigate time, its flow and perception.

The ballet features music by Max Richter, Harry Escott, Ezio Bosso, Olafur Arnalds and Ludovico Einaudi, who gained special acclaim for his soundtrack to the film The Intouchables, as well as by Les Tambours du Bronx (“the Drums of the Bronx”) percussion band.

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