Scorpions в Алматы
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Xi you ji zhi da sheng gui lai

Kinopoisk: 6.731

Production: China, 2015
Director: Tian Xiao Peng
Actors: Nikki Briar, Feodor Chin, Nick Futterman, James Hong, David S. Jung, Kannon Kurowski, Zijie Lin, Jiurong Liu, John Olson, Joey Richter
Duration: 96 min.
Genre: animation
Age restriction: under 12 years

The all-powerful Monkey King once roamed freely between Heaven and Earth, but after angering the Gods, he was imprisoned within an ice cage deep within the mountains. 500 years later, monsters attack a small village and a child flees to the mountains. Unknowingly, the child releases the Monkey King from his curse. With the help and encouragement from this special child, Monkey King saves the village from the evil monsters.