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Ethno-memorial complex «Map of Kazakhstan «Atameken»

Address: Astana, Korgalzhinskoe highway, 2/1, ethno-memorial complex «Map of kazakhstan «Atameken»


Operating mode: Daily from 9:30-19:00 from may to october. Without a break and weekends.


Duration: 40 minutes


The ethno-memorial complex «map of kazakhstan «Atameken» is a unique open—air museum. The complex was opened on september 8, 2001 at the initiative of the president of kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.


The main purpose of the creation and activity of the ethnocomplex «Atameken» is to ensure the preservation, accessibility and familiarization of the population with historical, cultural and spiritual values, reflection of the colorfulness of all natural zones and economic achievements of Kazakhstan, preservation and enhancement of cultural values.


«Atameken» represents the geographical territory of the country in miniature with an area of 1. 7 hectares. The museum houses miniature copies of natural and architectural sights of the country’s cities.


Regions and cities of republican significance are located on the conditional map of the country. The appearance of the live «Map» is regularly updated, taking into account real changes.


The layouts reflect the most significant sights of Kazakhstan: from characteristic landscapes, famous historical monuments to modern architectural ensembles. An interesting part of the map of Kazakhstan «Atameken» is a decorative model of the caspian sea.

there are few similar museums in the world, and one of them is located in the capital of Kazakhstan.


Visiting rules: visiting the museum in compliance with all sanitary standards

  1. Excursion program:
  2. Meeting guests
  3. Conducting an excursion
  4. Seeing off guests

Take with you: drinking water, panama


Age limit: no