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Bauyrzhan Kaptagay

Bauyrzhan Kaptagay

Date of Birth
03.03.1954 (70), Dzhambul village, Narynkolskiy district, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Bauyrzhan Kaptagay is an Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, an actor who has performed many roles in movies and plays.

Creative Way

As a child and youth, he did not even think about working on stage or in films. In 1971 he graduated from school, after which he went to work at a collective farm to help his parents and earn money. But when the time came to think about higher education, he decided to enter the Institute of Theatre and Cinematography named after T. Zhurgenov. Immediately after graduation I moved to Alma-Ata and started taking part in performances. And now, for more than 30 years, viewers have been enjoying the characters he played in productions such as:

  • "Night Dialogue";
  • "The Cavaliers."
  • "Blood and Sweat."
  • "The Apocalypse."
  • "Forget Herostratus", etc.

In 2011 he was offered to star in the "Aynalaiyn" series. His debut was applauded, and in 2014 his feature film "The Owners" was released. Since then, Bauyrzhan Kaptagay has regularly appeared in films. He became widely known among young people thanks to two parts of "Brother or Marriage" and the film "Caressing Indifference of the World".

Bauyrzhan Kaptagay: family life 

Married, but never in public with his wife. He does not like to attend social events, which is why he rarely gives interviews and talks about his home life.


Interesting facts:

1. Has an award "25 years of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for his contribution to the development of acting director in the country.

2. Winner of the festival "Theatre Spring".

3. Played Ammos Feodorovich in "The Inspector" N.V. Gogol.