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Bakhytzhan Alpeisov

Bakhytzhan Alpeisov

Date of Birth
09.03.1960 (64), Lugovaya village, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Bakhytzhan Alpeisov is a talented actor who has starred in dozens of films and played on stage more than 50 characters.

Creative Way

Bakhytzhan was born in a family far from creativity. All his relatives worked as engineers, scientists and in childhood, he did not dream of being an artist himself. After school, he entered a railway university, but having studied three courses, left and suddenly transferred to the Almaty Institute of Theatre and Cinema named after Zhurgenоv Institute of Theatre and Cinema. In the deanery of Professor Rabiga Kanabaeva did not hear praise for his actions, she did not see the young man's talents and abilities. However, over time, he managed to prove the opposite.

As a student, he was one of the leaders, staged together with the group a play on Aitmatov on the work "And a day lasts longer than a century". With the publication of the book there was no translation into Kazakh, which was what the student Alpeisov did. In the play he got the role of Yedigey.

Bakhytzhan started to build a career with the TUZ, went out on stage in a crowd, and then as the main characters. To date, the actor has more than 50 roles in the theater. In the films Bakhytzhan Alpeisov began to shoot some of them since 1989:

  • "Amanat";
  • "The Matchmakers";
  • "The Song of the Birds";
  • "Afalina's Jump";
  • "The Ultimate Stop";
  • "Crossroads."
  • "Angel of Death."
  • "Zhambyl."
  • "Once in an orphanage," et al.

Now his filmography has more than 20 film projects.

Bakhytzhan Alpeisov: family life

Married, raised two sons and five grandchildren.  


Interesting facts:

  1. In 2008 at the international festival "Eurasia" he received the award for "Best male role" for the film "Together with Father".
  2. He admits to being a fan of Tarkovsky.
  3. Duplicated a Disney remake of "Dumbo", sounding the character of Danny DeVito.